Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Muslim's way of life

In Islam it is the concept of the Hereafter that draws the big lines of the road.

Muslim's way of life can be hence easily compared and contrasted with other ways. The criterion of belief and disbelief is one factor of comparison and contrast.

Belief in one God or more is another factor. A third factor is belief in resurrection and the eternal life is a third factor of comparison.

But what is essential is that Muslims live within themselves a state of Islam. The necessity of an out Islamic state, a Leviathan, is therefore unnecessary. For the Muslim's responsibility makes him a state by himself. There is no need for a guardian over the Muslim as long as he abides by the law of God.

In societies that are un-Islamic humans live within the communal state and deterrent guardians are needed to keep order and keep the law. Fear of the state become predominant while in an Islamic state fear of God is predominant. Fear of God is by far more comprehensive and cannot be evaded while fear of the state is not comprehensive and is inefficient.

In Islam the Muslim knows that he must obey God, not to practice power over others, not to monopolize riches in his hand while others are bereft of their wealth, not to have social privilege and all equal before God. This makes the state within and not without the individual Muslim. As long as this formula is kept in order and under constant control and check the Muslim community does not need a state to control Muslims and coerce them into behaving according to Islamic tenets.

The state of Islam, according to the Islamic sources, represents a natural state called al-Fitrah( the natural impulse of the mind), it is not artificial state without that makes man an artificial citizen of an alien society.

Such a society is ideal but it can be pragmatic, on the condition that all Muslims do the same thing, but how far is this ideal-pragmatism from the Muslim world today!


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